Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Love Starved Woman

I received a pretty great compliment the other day, which made me fall instantly head over heels with the giver. They gave it unaware of how insignificant I've been feeling lately (in fact, they don't really know me, so that gave the compliment even more significance in my mind).

I'm reading a book called, "Made to Crave" which is focused on changing eating habits, but has lessons that could apply to any area of your life where you find yourself being consumed. Being more aware of my eating habits has yielded some unexpected results in other areas. I'm beginning to be more aware of other "cravings" I'm have in my life.

And I've discovered that what I crave most is validation.

"Think that I am significant. Think that what I do as a wife and mother is valuable to you." It's practically my mantra. It's like if I think it enough, I can project it on the one person who's validation I don't have, and yet want so badly. Like somehow by force of will I can make them see me as worthwhile.

As a Christian, I know that I need to find my validation in the Lord. Yes, He thinks I am valuable. Yes, He thinks that being a mother is a high calling. And God knows I'm trying to be the wife He wants me to be (and it's up in the air whether I'm failing miserably or not I guess).

Meanwhile, I need to remain aware of the danger in craving validation from other sources, and the temptation of compliments from strangers.

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