Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Staring at the ceiling
Waiting for time to pass
Everyone laughs at you,
For not living in the moment,
Don't waste it, own it
Own each painful step, each hard knock, each bitter taste.

Go to work, get your mouth slapped
And no one laughs, 
No common ground to stand on,
Only silent enmity. 

Come home, your saving grace 
Your children's laugh.
The sound mitigates your fear, for now
Your fear you can't do this alone.

A thousand voices guide your path
Can't help but laugh.
No matter what you choose,
You're always letting someone down.
Walk a mile in my shoes 
An argument you'll lose
Your experience is nothing 
Compared with others

Lay down your head,
Pray for strength to last
And God laughs.
Your life is a flickering flame,
No one will remember you.


  1. No one who meets you could ever forget you! Remember you are not alone. Loving people are with you every step of this journey! No one who truly loves you should sit in judgment of you. Let your heart and mind guide you. I wish you peace and good health. Sending love!

  2. No one who meets you could ever forget you! Remember you are not alone. Loving people are with you every step of this journey! No one who truly loves you should sit in judgment of you. Let your heart and mind guide you. I wish you peace and good health. Sending love!
